Wednesday, September 06, 2006

New Transmission package for Ubuntu

It's been quite a while since I wanted to upgrade Transmission and test the svn version, but Applecrow's download page gives a 404 error, so no svn debian package! So I thought I'd build one myself, and here it is, I give it to the world!

This package was built with the latest source tarball from Transmission's homepage using checkinstall. I need people to test it to see if it works properly.

The package installs Transmission to /opt/transmission

You might want to do this:

sudo ln -s /opt/transmission/bin/transmission-gtk /usr/bin/transmission-gtk

This will enable you to run Transmission by just typing 'transmission-gtk' into the terminal (without the quotes).

Download the package! - NOTE: A new package is already available, check the newer posts.

P.S. I need better hosting, if anyone can provide it please leave a comment with more info. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

sorry but i can't download your package. whenever i try, i arrive on a site for arcade games, but i see no link for download...

Arturo said...

Here ya go:

Arturo said...

Err, copy and paste that into your browser and it should start the download.

Anonymous said...

Hey there,

I would love to try the deb, but it looks like it is gone. (Or at least, when I go to that page, no download.) Can you reload it?


Anonymous said...

Hey there,

I would love to try the deb, but it looks like it is gone. (Or at least, when I go to that page, no download.) Can you reload it?


Arturo said...

Here is the link, sorry for the inconveniences, but the link is there, just scroll down the page until you find this line:

Download for free with FileFactory Basic

Click it and it'll take you to another page, scroll down until you find this line:

Click here to begin your download

Click it and your download should begin. :D

Here is the link anyways, but take in account this one changes every few days:

Anonymous said...

It is gone allright.
"Sorry, this file is no longer available. It may have been deleted by the uploader, or has expired."
This text appeared on the page.

Arturo said...

Try here:

I'm not building new packages at the moment. Sorry 'bout that.

Unknown said...

Ubuntu Hardy alpha installs transmission by default.. The following package lies in the repo's